"The Past is the prologue" This quote has given me a lot to think, a lot to do, and a lot to give to this life. I believe that history is not equal to the future, but it could be, if we don’t change, if we don’t move from our comfort zones and start contributing goodness and perfections in our lives

Friday, March 25, 2011

kuliner malam, kenangan masa kuliah

busettt dah td malam abis menggila bareng my lovely friend Fifi n my lil brother freddy..
ya ampun... gw n fifi jd teringat masa 2 kuliah dulu.hahahhahaaaaa tiap tengah malam pst kelayapan.ahhahahhaaa baru pulang pagi.wkwkwkkwkwkwkwkwkkk besoknta kuliah telat, or bolos.hahahahhahahaaaa seruuu bgd lah... kenyang mapus.hahahhaaa

sumpah gw makin kangen masa2 kuliah dulu,,, kangeennnnn bgd. kangen gila2an.. kangen jam hidup gak beraturan..hahahahhahaaa... ky gak pny beban.hahahhahahahahaaa seru dh!!!hahahahhaaa

time is so fast.... gak berasa aja.... -___-"


  1. iya sama feb...
    aku jg kangen masa-masa kuliah dulu....
    enak nya, bebas nya...
    time flies so fast ya...
    miss tat moment in the kost..hehe

  2. iyaaa ci..... pgn bgd ky dl.huhuuuu
    kangen bgd..bgd..bgd....

    seruuu bgd dh masa2 itu.heheheheheheeee
