"The Past is the prologue" This quote has given me a lot to think, a lot to do, and a lot to give to this life. I believe that history is not equal to the future, but it could be, if we don’t change, if we don’t move from our comfort zones and start contributing goodness and perfections in our lives

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ho Do Bintang Hu

Sahat tu sadarion
Sai solot dope ito
Di pusu-pusukki

Naeng do ho huhalupahon
Naeng do ho sai hupasidding
Lam dao lam dao au sian ho
Lam ganda siholhi tu ho

Rohakki nian ito
Naeng do hu tinggalhon ho
Asa sonang..asa sonang..
Rohani dainang mi

Ima nasai mangambati
Pargaulanta hasian
Ai tung tangkas mai hudok tu ho..
Holongki nunga tung bagas tu ho…

Ho do ito….
Ho do bintang hu
Ho do ito…
Matani arikki

Ho do ito..
Hodo hupaima
Ho do huparsita
Ito saut di au

Kristina Silalahi

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