"The Past is the prologue" This quote has given me a lot to think, a lot to do, and a lot to give to this life. I believe that history is not equal to the future, but it could be, if we don’t change, if we don’t move from our comfort zones and start contributing goodness and perfections in our lives

Monday, September 5, 2011


baru sadar semuanya salah gw..
terlalu cepat ambil keputusan..
demi gengsi.. demi menutupi kelemahan..
yg akhirnya, penyesalan yg datang...
bodoh bgd... nyesel bgd...

pelajaran berharga yg gw dapat..
gw harus belajar dr hal ini

penyesalan itu datang paling akhir...

dang na ujui be ho

dibagas sabulan on
so hea be ho ro
ro mandulo au
naung lupa do ho
naung muba do ho
tu au hasian

naso sayang be ho
naso cinta be ho tu au hasian
huhilala doi sian pambaenan mi
dang na uju i be ho

molo naung bosan ho tu au ito
ala naung moru haulionki
hatahonma hatahonma tu au
asa huboto mamikkiri i

molo naung adong gantikku ito
umbaen na muba rohami tu au
hatahon ma..hatahon ma tu au
unang gantung holongki